Monday, April 2, 2012

More Precious than Diamonds or Pearls

Today, I'd like to share a little something that I read in a book about Modesty once. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

The daughter of Muhammad Ali, A famous boxer, shared her father's thoughts on modesty in her book, More Than A Hero: Muhammad Ali's Life Lessons Through His Daughter's Eyes. "Hana, everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected. Where do find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You've got to work hard to get to them." He looked at me with serious eyes. "Your body is sacred. You're far more precious than diamonds and pearls and you should be covered too.” - The Girl In The Dress
When I read this, I loved it!! It takes you to realize that Modesty goes beyond just being church rules. Everything God left in his Word for us goes way deeper than just being "rules". We have to learn to read beyond the lines and open our spiritual eyes to see the truth behind why God requires us to live a certain way. We are ALL very valuable in God’s eyes, He created us that way. By covering our bodies modestly we honor the God who created us. We show God that we are thankful that he has us in such high esteem. Creation itself teaches us a lesson on the character of the God which we serve. If something is of great value, it is covered and hard to get to, like the example above. To God we are more valuable and precious than pearls or diamonds. Our worth to him is more than we could ever imagine. Once we realize that, living outward holiness won't be difficult. Loving God and loving ourselves will help us live in the way that he wants us to live! Our bodies are the temple of the living God! What a great treasure we have living in us. Let’s value and take care of what he has given us! Let’s live holy because he is HOLY!

“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies” - Proverbs 31:10

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?”- 1 Corinthians 3:16


  1. I love it, it's very true. I used to struggle with modesty, but I love the idea of being separated for God.

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